Moving Your Body Safely Through Each Trimester of Pregnancy


Moving Your Body Safely Through Each Trimester of Pregnancy

By The Sculpt Society

Staying active during pregnancy offers a lot of benefits for both you and your baby, but it's important to adjust the type and intensity of exercise you engage in as your pregnancy progresses. You can generally continue with your pre-pregnancy exercise routine during the first trimester — just be sure to listen to your body and modify when anything feels off. As your bump grows, consider switching to prenatal workouts that can safely guide you through your workouts. In your second and third trimester, you’ll want to start modifying traditional core exercises like planks and ab work. Of course, before you begin any exercise, make sure your doctor clears you to work out. 

The Sculpt Society’s prenatal workout program includes dedicated classes for all three trimesters. Carefully curated with safe exercises broken down by week, it will guide you through your entire pregnancy. This program is designed to provide a balanced mix of low-impact workouts, stretching, breathing, and meditation, keeping you within healthy levels of physical activity.

First Trimester Flexibility

While you may be able to maintain your usual exercise routine, be attentive to your body's signals. Stay hydrated and opt for lower-impact sculpt and/or cardio classes.

Second Trimester Safety

At this point, you’ll need to switch to prenatal workouts that incorporate pelvic floor exercises and start modifying traditional core exercises. We recommend moving with a trainer who is prenatal and postpartum certified – Megan Roup, founder of The Sculpt Society, answers some FAQs here

Third Trimester Balance

As your bump grows, you may start to feel more uncomfortable and your range of motion may need to become smaller in certain exercises. With The Sculpt Society Mama program, find exercises that are safe for your body with workout videos that were filmed during Megan Roup’s third trimester.

Pelvic Floor Focus

Across all three trimesters, pelvic floor and 360 breathing exercises are invaluable. These exercises not only prepare your body for childbirth but also assist in postpartum recovery by building pelvic muscle strength, learning how to lengthen the pelvic floor and reducing the risk of prolapse.

Flexibility and Range of Motion

Regular prenatal stretching can enhance flexibility and maintain a healthy range of motion in your joints, contributing to overall comfort. It can also lessen pregnancy pains from sciatica, round ligament pain, lower back pain, and more.

Precautions for Specific Pregnancy Conditions

Before starting or continuing an exercise routine during pregnancy, it's crucial to consult your healthcare provider, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. If you experience conditions like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or placenta previa, your doctor can provide personalized recommendations to ensure both your safety and the baby's well-being.

Postpartum Exercise Considerations and Recovery Tips

After childbirth, the body undergoes significant changes as it heals and recovers. Gradually reintroducing exercise can help you rebuild strength and stamina while supporting the body's recovery process. It's important to start with gentle exercises like walking, and following a postnatal program that can safely guide you back into exercise like our Postpartum Pelvic Floor and Core Recovery Program and our Postpartum Program, gradually progressing as your body heals. Listen to your body and give yourself time to regain your pre-pregnancy fitness level.

Staying active during pregnancy can bring lots of benefits for both you and your baby. From improved cardiovascular health to enhanced mood and better sleep, exercise can positively impact your pregnancy journey. 

Still Looking For More?

Check out Megan’s Amazon Storefront and her LTK Page for even more ideas!

Moving Your Body Safely Through Each Trimester of Pregnancy

Moving Your Body Safely Through Each Trimester of Pregnancy

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