Move through each phase of your cycle
Introducing Sculpt + Sync: Move through each phase of your cycle—our latest program created to help people with periods adapt their workouts to the four phases of their monthly cycle. Start your 7-Day free trial today!

Listening to your body and developing a deeper understanding of hormonal patterns can help with everything from managing period and PMS symptoms to reducing stress, getting better sleep, and making workouts more effective. Lean into your body’s changing energy levels and choose different workouts to align with the different phases of your cycle.
By making choices that align with your body’s natural rhythm, you’ll feel healthier, happier, and stronger all month long.

Menstrual Phase
During menstruation, a time of reset and renewal, we recommend low-intensity workouts and gentle movement, like our slow + controlled classes.
Follicular Phase
As you enter the follicular phase, estrogen levels rise and you’ll naturally start feeling more energetic—ideal for higher intensity full body workouts.

Ovulation Phase
When you reach ovulation, your energy will fluctuate. Take advantage of your higher energy windows with quickie classes, designed to target specific muscle groups.
Luteal Phase
In your luteal phase, energy levels decrease again, so choose low impact workouts, such as our sculpt classes.

Sync with the TSS Fam
Move with us throughout your cycle
Align with your body’s natural rhythm to feel healthier, happier, and stronger all month long