The Power of Body Positive Affirmations


The Power of Body Positive Affirmations

By The Sculpt Society

Tips + tricks for more compassionate self-talk.

Getting stuck in a negative thought spiral can truly derail an entire day—our minds fixate on what we’ve done wrong or how we feel inadequate, anxiety and worry creep in to totally hijack our mood…and just like that, we’re in a serious funk. One area where many of us are apt to be hardest on ourselves is, unfortunately, when it comes to our bodies. Two things can be true: online, body positivity has become a major wellness buzzword; and scrolling TikTok and Instagram can leave us feeling worse about ourselves and boost negative body image in general. We live in a world where it’s increasingly easy to compare ourselves to others, often at the expense of our own mental health.

Enter body positive affirmations: a simple, surprisingly powerful tool in our self-care arsenal. Rooted in the principles behind cognitive behavioral therapy, which suggests that by changing our thoughts, we can better influence our emotions and behaviors, these daily affirmations can help us build up our self-confidence like we build muscle—with a solid retraining-your-brain routine. Read on for more about body positive affirmations, including how to practice them daily.

How Body Positive Affirmations Work

Body positive affirmations are statements we tell ourselves, focused on accepting and appreciating our bodies exactly as they are today. These affirmations are repeated—either written down, or spoken aloud—to help reprogram the subconscious mind over time, with an aim towards replacing negative thoughts with less self-destructive, more positive self-talk and beliefs. Affirmations can reduce stress + anxiety and boost self-esteem, particularly if implemented consistently. Over time, regularly practicing our affirmations helps us foster a healthier relationship with our bodies.

Creating Your Body Positive Affirmations Routine

Adding body positive affirmations to your daily schedule isn’t difficult, exactly—but consistency is key to getting results. Our top tips:

Be both general and specific. Pick affirmations that resonate with you, some of which will be deeply personal, some of which will be more universal.

Turn your wants into statements. Say your affirmations like they’re already facts, not possibilities. A few we like: “I respect and love my body.” “My body is strong and capable.” 

Repeat yourself. Set aside a few minutes each day to repeat your affirmations, preferably in front of a mirror (this might feel weird at first, but you’ll get the hang of it). Remember, you’re reinforcing these positive messages and practicing speaking more kindly to yourself.

Keep it short and sweet. Less long-winded affirmations may be easier to internalize.

Be mindful of negative self-talk. Identify consistent, pervasive negative thoughts, then try to “rewrite” them as positive or self-empowering statements.

Shift your focus. Consider pivoting from what your body looks like to what your body can do.

Change takes time. Be patient with yourself.

Incorporating Body Positive Affirmations Into Your Everyday Life

There’s no wrong or right way to do this—choose whichever methods most resonate with you.

Write your body positive affirmations down. Journaling, a classic for a reason. Writing your affirmations over and over again can be a surprisingly effective way to reinforce your new, positive beliefs about yourself.

Stick a Post-It on your laptop. Where you’ll see and be reminded of your body positive affirmations throughout the workday.

In your Notes app. To have on hand at all times.

A voice note or memo. Listening to your own words can feel empowering.

Repeating aloud in front of the mirror. Or during your commute, or in the shower…

Choose a time of day when you can practice your affirmations without interruption and really focus on how you want to feel. First thing in the morning, before work, or before bed are all solid options.

Body positive affirmations can be an incredibly empowering way to practice self-acceptance, and help you talk more kindly and gently to yourself. That’s no small thing. This can help you break out of those toxic negative thought spirals…and building a healthier, more loving relationship with your body over time is well worth it.


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The Power of Body Positive Affirmations

The Power of Body Positive Affirmations

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