Adding body positive affirmations to your daily schedule isn’t difficult, exactly—but consistency is key to getting results. Our top tips:
Be both general and specific. Pick affirmations that resonate with you, some of which will be deeply personal, some of which will be more universal.
Turn your wants into statements. Say your affirmations like they’re already facts, not possibilities. A few we like: “I respect and love my body.” “My body is strong and capable.”
Repeat yourself. Set aside a few minutes each day to repeat your affirmations, preferably in front of a mirror (this might feel weird at first, but you’ll get the hang of it). Remember, you’re reinforcing these positive messages and practicing speaking more kindly to yourself.
Keep it short and sweet. Less long-winded affirmations may be easier to internalize.
Be mindful of negative self-talk. Identify consistent, pervasive negative thoughts, then try to “rewrite” them as positive or self-empowering statements.
Shift your focus. Consider pivoting from what your body looks like to what your body can do.
Change takes time. Be patient with yourself.