Magic of Choosing A Workout Based On Your Mood


Magic of Choosing A Workout Based On Your Mood

By The Sculpt Society

Match your workout to your mood. Maybe you’ve overslept and need an extra energy boost to kickstart your day, or are feeling anxious about a big presentation at work. Whatever it may be, tuning into your mood and moving your body accordingly will help you ride those waves of emotions day in and day out. 

Our newest collection, aptly named What Do You Need Today? features curated classes to support you through everyday life moments. Whether it's a gentle sculpt during that time of the month, letting loose with a living room dance party, or something simple or uncomplicated to help you unwind, we’ve selected the perfect class to fit your mood. Listening to your body and approaching fitness based on how you feel will show you just how beneficial movement can be.

Hangover Helper

We’ve all been there. For your next morning after a night out, we recommend these classes to help you recover with a bit of mellow movement.

Time of the Month

One of the top questions we're always asked is which classes we recommend taking while you're on your period. When the cramps settle in and your body is feeling sluggish, try one of these workouts to help alleviate the symptoms of pms and increase endorphins.

Energy Booster

Boost your serotonin with these classes that are sure to get you moving and grooving.

Stress Reliever

Take time to relax and feel serene with these low-impact all stars.

Living Room Dance Party

Bring the TSS party to your living room with these classes that are perfect for when you just need to let loose!

Something Simple

Uncomplicated, effective, and enjoyable, these are our go-to’s when we want to feel the spicy TSS burn in a simple way.

Use our Personalized Workout Finder to discover even more custom recommendations to meet you where you're at.


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Magic of Choosing A Workout Based On Your Mood

Magic of Choosing A Workout Based On Your Mood

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