How To Show Up For Yourself: 7 Tips To Increase Motivation and Consistency


How To Show Up For Yourself: 7 Tips To Increase Motivation and Consistency

By The Sculpt Society

Increase Motivation and Find Consistency In Your Workouts

The Sculpt Society strives to make it easy and fun for people to prioritize movement in their lives. We know that even just 10 minutes of exercise a day can make a big impact on your physical + mental wellbeing and assist you in forming healthy + productive habits. Discover our top tips for how to show up for yourself leading to increased motivation and consistency in movement.

Find A Workout You Love

Deciding on what classes to take whenever you want to workout can be overwhelming and even seem daunting. Regular exercise is what our bodies crave, however, as individuals we place our energy into many different facets of our lives, making that target seem more difficult than it needs to be.

Thankfully, we have a wide variety of classes available for you to choose from. Low impact sculpt, dance cardio only, full body sculpting, yoga, whatever you’re in the mood for we have classes and programs for you. If you’re starting out with TSS we recommend taking our Personalized Workout Finder Quiz! When you find a workout you love, favorite it in the app by selecting “add to” and then “my list.”  

Bring A Workout Buddy For Accountability

Community and connection are a big part of life and they extend to working out! Whether you find community through in-person workout classes, or online communities, finding workout buddies helps to hold us all accountable. Showing up for both your buddy and yourself makes it easier to get the workout done on days when you’re just not feeling it. Check out the TSS friends category for some workout buddy inspiration and make sure to join our private, members-only Facebook Group to find an accountability buddy or group

Stay tuned for 2023 dates of the TSS pop-up series to see if we are coming to a city near you.

Stop Making It About How You Look

Put away the mirror and the scale. When you place the pressure on how you look or the number in front of you, you may find yourself with moments of disappointment or negative self-talk. Instead, focus on creating positively worded goals. A goal that we love to use is “feel confident in your body” This places the emphasis on how you feel rather than how you look. If you want to get into the nitty gritty of it, consider creating micro goals under the umbrella of the bigger goal to create more tangible milestones in your fitness journey. For example, “not take a break during planks,” or “nailing a dance cardio routine,” or “use ankle weights for the entirety of the booty section.” These goals use strength as a benchmark, which in turn inspires you to take the actions that may have the byproduct of weight loss but your focus is off the number on the scale.

Build A Routine

It can be difficult to set aside time to workout once you’ve already started a busy day- things will always pop up! One thing that helps us is to dedicate time to sit down at the start of the week and plan out our workouts. For an extra reminder, plan your workouts in advance and hold yourself accountable with the new scheduling feature on the TSS app! You’ll be able to see all of your upcoming and completed workouts in one place, making it easier than ever to track your progress. Or consider starting with a TSS Program that comes with a printable calendar for another accountability tactic.

Fuel Yourself

We are big believers in intuitive eating to get the fuel we need to help us move through the day! This looks different for everyone – and listening to your body is key. When you listen to your hunger cues and fuel your body properly, you will have the energy to make it through any workout. Pay attention to when you’re feeling hungry, and when you’re feeling full. Sometimes our brain can trick us into over or under eating when we’re feeling an emotion we want to avoid. Let yourself eat what you’re craving without judgment, and then move on, instead of overcorrecting or spiraling. Lean into what feels right for you and what you want!

Gear Up!

We are suckers for a good workout set – because when you like what you’re wearing you feel good, and you’re more likely to enjoy your workout! Consider setting out your workout clothes the night before you plan to workout for extra motivation. This way, when you wake up, you don’t have to think about putting on an outfit and can get straight into your workout. Check out TSS Athleisurehere

To help you form healthy habits when it comes to exercise, we’ve created the Together We Move Challenge to carry you through the entire month of January. 

Already a member of the TSSFam? Click here to find it on the app.


BONUS: Weeks 1 and 2 of the challenge are in partnership with Beyond Yoga and if you want to try it out, the challenge is available for purchase through Feb 3! Click here to purchase.


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How To Show Up For Yourself: 7 Tips To Increase Motivation and Consistency

How To Show Up For Yourself: 7 Tips To Increase Motivation and Consistency

Increase Motivation and Find Consistency In Your Workouts

The Sculpt Society strives to make it easy and fun for people to prioritize movement in their lives. We know that even just 10 minutes of exercise a day can make a big impact on your physical + mental wellbeing and assist you in forming healthy + productive habits. Discover our top tips for how to show up for yourself leading to increased motivation and consistency in movement.

Find A Workout You Love

Deciding on what classes to take whenever you want to workout can be overwhelming and even seem daunting. Regular exercise is what our bodies crave, however, as individuals we place our energy into many different facets of our lives, making that target seem more difficult than it needs to be.

Thankfully, we have a wide variety of classes available for you to choose from. Low impact sculpt, dance cardio only, full body sculpting, yoga, whatever you’re in the mood for we have classes and programs for you. If you’re starting out with TSS we recommend taking our Personalized Workout Finder Quiz! When you find a workout you love, favorite it in the app by selecting “add to” and then “my list.”  

Bring A Workout Buddy For Accountability

Community and connection are a big part of life and they extend to working out! Whether you find community through in-person workout classes, or online communities, finding workout buddies helps to hold us all accountable. Showing up for both your buddy and yourself makes it easier to get the workout done on days when you’re just not feeling it. Check out the TSS friends category for some workout buddy inspiration and make sure to join our private, members-only Facebook Group to find an accountability buddy or group

Stay tuned for 2023 dates of the TSS pop-up series to see if we are coming to a city near you.

Stop Making It About How You Look

Put away the mirror and the scale. When you place the pressure on how you look or the number in front of you, you may find yourself with moments of disappointment or negative self-talk. Instead, focus on creating positively worded goals. A goal that we love to use is “feel confident in your body” This places the emphasis on how you feel rather than how you look. If you want to get into the nitty gritty of it, consider creating micro goals under the umbrella of the bigger goal to create more tangible milestones in your fitness journey. For example, “not take a break during planks,” or “nailing a dance cardio routine,” or “use ankle weights for the entirety of the booty section.” These goals use strength as a benchmark, which in turn inspires you to take the actions that may have the byproduct of weight loss but your focus is off the number on the scale.

Build A Routine

It can be difficult to set aside time to workout once you’ve already started a busy day- things will always pop up! One thing that helps us is to dedicate time to sit down at the start of the week and plan out our workouts. For an extra reminder, plan your workouts in advance and hold yourself accountable with the new scheduling feature on the TSS app! You’ll be able to see all of your upcoming and completed workouts in one place, making it easier than ever to track your progress. Or consider starting with a TSS Program that comes with a printable calendar for another accountability tactic.

If you are struggling to find that joy, consider trying one of the quickie classes or a slow + controlled class on the app. TSS truly stands behind the idea that we can all commit to less and show up more, so on days where you really don’t feel like working out, take a deep breath and tell yourself that you can commit to just 10 minutes of movement. On the days where you’re craving a bit more of a spicy workout, throw on a 45 min full body class. If you’re stuck on which class is good for you, remember to take our Personalized Workout Finder Quiz

Fuel Yourself 

We are big believers in intuitive eating to get the fuel we need to help us move through the day! This looks different for everyone – and listening to your body is key. When you listen to your hunger cues and fuel your body properly, you will have the energy to make it through any workout. Pay attention to when you’re feeling hungry, and when you’re feeling full. Sometimes our brain can trick us into over or under eating when we’re feeling an emotion we want to avoid. Let yourself eat what you’re craving without judgment, and then move on, instead of overcorrecting or spiraling. Lean into what feels right for you and what you want!

Gear Up!

We are suckers for a good workout set – because when you like what you’re wearing you feel good, and you’re more likely to enjoy your workout! Consider setting out your workout clothes the night before you plan to workout for extra motivation. This way, when you wake up, you don’t have to think about putting on an outfit and can get straight into your workout. Check out TSS Athleisure here

To help you form healthy habits when it comes to exercise, we’ve created the Together We Move Challenge to carry you through the entire month of January. 

Already a member of the TSSFam? Click here to find it on the app.


BONUS: Weeks 1 and 2 of the challenge are in partnership with Beyond Yoga and if you want to try it out, the challenge is available for purchase through Feb 3! Click here to purchase.

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