TSS Tips: Mother of The Bride Edition
Whether you're a mother of the bride/groom or not, we understand the importance of looking and feeling your best for special occasions. And what better way to prepare than through committing to consistent Sculpt Society workouts? That's why we want to share with you the inspiring story of one of our very own TSS Fam members who is preparing for her daughter's wedding.

TSS: Tell us about yourself!
I work in the office handling paperwork for our family-owned woodworking business. I live in a small town in Northwest Connecticut with my husband and I have three grown children -- two girls and one boy.
And of course, tell us about your daughter's wedding!
My daughter got engaged in October 2022 and the wedding will be in the Berkshires, MA in August 2023. My daughter wanted a barn-style wedding with twinkle lights so we were happy to find this venue. It’s coming up fast but we’re very excited and can’t wait for the big day!
Had you done TSS prior to your daughter's engagement? If yes, how often were you doing TSS?
I had tried it a couple of times with my daughter who has a membership to TSS - but hadn’t thought it was for women my age. How wrong I was!
What made you choose TSS to prep for the wedding?
My daily life means I don’t have a whole lot of time for working out. TSS suits me well since I can fit in a few short workouts during a small opening in my day. Megan makes it fun and she is so encouraging. She is always pointing out where I can modify the exercise for my fitness level. I use my iPad and can bring my workouts with me if I need to travel. Even better - no equipment is necessary! I had a knee replacement about a year ago and love that I can choose from classes that don’t include kneeling - something I need to avoid.
Where did you start on the app? Did you start a program or pick workouts at your leisure? Follow the weekly guide?
I started with Slow + Controlled classes and picked workouts that were shorter in length. I didn’t follow a guided calendar, but the flexibility of longer or shorter classes is what keeps me coming back - apart from the instructors of course.
How often were you looking to workout and how did you make time for fitness in your schedule?
I was looking for a few times a week. Work and keeping up with things at home doesn’t allow me long periods for working out unfortunately. I try to do it early in the day and postpone something if I have to in order to make a little time for myself!
What were some of your goals with working out with TSS?
I will be wearing a sleeveless dress for the wedding so I’m looking to especially tone up my arms, but overall I just wanted to feel stronger and more confident. As an added bonus I will certainly be using some of my new dance moves on the big day!
Did you struggle at all with staying consistent? Falling off track? What were some, if any, struggles you had while participating in the program?
Of course I struggle. Life can get in the way but I’ve told myself that even if I miss a day, I can just keep going and start again. I appreciate that Megan says we don’t have to be perfect and love her mantra of committing to less to show up more. My progress was slow, but that's ok.
What do you love about TSS/what do you love about using TSS prior to your wedding?
I love that the workouts are available 24/7 and it’s there when I have the time in my schedule. I don’t have to rush all over town to get to a class by a certain time. I just open my iPad and Megan is there ready to kick my butt. The workouts are fun and it doesn’t feel like such a chore to help me reach my goals.