TSS On The Go: 4 Ways To Incorporate Movement In Travel


TSS On The Go: 4 Ways To Incorporate Movement In Travel

By The Sculpt Society

Here at TSS we’re all about taking your workout on the go. Whether you’re on a weekend getaway or week long vacation, finding time to move your body will help you feel your best no matter the location.

1. Start Your Day with Movement

Vacations usually start with slower mornings so try to get in your workout first thing and be ready for the day just as everyone else is starting to think about breakfast! This will help you start each day on a positive note and help carry that positivity throughout the entire day. Feel those energetic endorphins whether you choose to move for 10 minutes or 45 minutes, it’s all about what feels right for you. 

2. Download Workouts Ahead of Time

Traveling off the grid? Download your favorite TSS workouts straight onto your mobile device to stream offline. While you have access to WiFi, go to the TSS app, choose the video you wish to download, then select the arrow pointing downwards at the top right corner of the video screen and it will begin to download. Not bringing equipment with you? No worries! We created the No Equipment collection for easy access to travel-friendly workouts.

3. Practice Meditation

One of the most fun parts of traveling can be all the time you get with family or friends, but it can be hard to not have the time to yourself you may be used to. Here at TSS we like to take 5 - 10 minutes to ourselves so we can close our eyes and meditate. There are so many meditations to choose from on The Sculpt Society app, but two of our favorites for traveling are this 6 min rest and reset meditation by Kelsey J. Patel and this 7 min breathing meditation by Ameerah Omar.

4. Bring Your Equipment

What better way to remind yourself to move your body than by packing your favorite equipment in your travel bag? Our TSS travel-friendly workout accessories are the 1lb Ankle WeightsBooty BandsSliders and Pilates Ball. Get yours in the TSS Shop and check out the videos below for our favorite workouts incorporating this equipment.


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TSS On The Go: 4 Ways To Incorporate Movement In Travel

TSS On The Go: 4 Ways To Incorporate Movement In Travel


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